my music
and about me
About JACK
“Music and me”
There’s something about music and songs that’s inescapable. Whether its the mood it creates, the memories it inspires, or the feelings which surface? I don’t know, but its driven me for my whole life and will continue to do so long as I can breathe.
The best time was forming Greenmantle in the 70’s and playing for five years in folk clubs across the UK. Originally a three piece with Ian Campbell, Billy Campbell and I eventually settled as a duo and built quite a reputation for ourselves as singer/songwriters. We split in the mid 70’s but kept in touch, finally recording our first CD ‘Two Hats’ released last year.
Writing songs is as natural and necessary as breathing to me. Its my way of talking about things that matter to me. I hope you get something positive from them. Whatever you get I’d like to hear from you.


Jack is also a member of Greenmantle. GREENMANTLE was formed in September 1971, initially as a three piece with Ian Campbell, Billy Campbell & Jack Law. They brought together their background in rock music, blues and folk to create a distinctive blend.
Whilst Ian left in 1972, due to ill health, Billy and Jack carried on as a two piece carving out a reputation as singer/songwriters across Britain.

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